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Photo of Tarig O., ECE Aid recipient from Sudan. Block quote: "I recommend ECE for all people because they are so professional and committed to serving refugees and immigrants."

Tarig worked at night to pay for his college fees. He was going to college in the middle of the second Sudanese civil war and also helped to support his mother, father, and siblings. Eventually, he graduated from Sudan University of Science & Technology with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and a master’s degree in construction management.

Upon graduation he started working for Mobile Telephone Network (MTN Sudan) as a Project Engineer and was soon promoted to Capital Project Supervisor.  After 11 years Tarig still gets excited watching a project develop and progress. 

On his quest to become an entrepreneur, Tarig decided it was best to leave Sudan. He imagined America would provide new opportunity within his field, and a more stable foundation not only for him, but also for his two daughters. Yet, since arriving to America, Tarig has struggled to find a job or any sort of work at all. 

Determined to provide for his small family, Tarig contacted Upwardly Global, a trusted participating organization of ECE® Aid. They awarded Tarig with an ECE® Aid fee waiver, and he has just begun using his ECE evaluation to look for jobs in his profession.  

“I recommend ECE for all people because they are so professional and committed to serving refugees and immigrants who have been educated in other countries. Thank you, ECE, for making my life easy in USA.” – Tarig O.